There is one greater than I

Sorry about my post yesterday, which was a tad inappropriate. Today, I am thinking of happy, bright colours, so only good things from me.

Teresa, my friend, uses happy, bright colours in her designs and so when she asked to chat with me, I thought she wanted to recommend some nice colours and layout for my blog, which she told me she is a fan of.

Unfortunately, we could only skype at the end of a long day, after I had already skyped a colleague in Rio for two hours! Those Brazilians can talk! So, totally worn out, I sat down to talk to Teresa, with my daughter shouting in the background.

Instead of talking about colours, Teresa went on and on about heavy stuff like crowd funding, collector items, future sales and online platforms. Imagine that at the end of the day. Real torture. So, needless to say, she lost me. Not to sound foolish, I asked her to give me the weekend to think about it. But what I really need to do is to research on all the things she said. She also sent me huge files and presentations and links and dictionaries! She is worse than all my professors put together!

I hate to admit that this girl is so much better than me; in everything! Damn! You see, we studied design together and she went on to become a great designer with an excellent track record and portfolio (Plus she also wears very high heels). And I, well, you know what I became: a crazy person.

For some strange reason though, Teresa thinks I can become a part of LOCOLIZE, which is such an amazing idea; I am so jealous that I didn't think about it first. In fact, I envy this Teresa person and I would love to hate her, but I need to surround myself with such clever people and maybe, just maybe, something good will rub off on me.

(Very reluctantly, I liked her facebook fan page and I will try to follow her on twitter @locolize_africa when I get over my envy).

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